Wednesday, October 24, 2012


Sunday evening, Tom wasn't feeling so well. He had made over a dozen feet of homemade sausage with some of his venison and pork, and he ate the leftover piece of pork for dinner. A few hours later, he was incredibly sick, with what he described as "power vomiting". It was uncontrollable for over 8 hours that night, and he was home from work for the next two days, recovering.

We assumed it was food poisoning from the pork, which he described as being "gamey". (Pork isn't supposed to be gamey.)

But then last night, I started feeling kinda crappy. I went to bed around 9, and by 10, I was also throwing up uncontrollably with stomach cramps so bad that it felt like I was in labor again.

All day today, I just felt weak and crappy and achy and feverish - like I had the flu really bad. Tom stayed home from work for the third day in a row because there was no way I was going to be able to get up and get Colden ready and to school.

I finally took a shower and a nap around 1, and then I woke up and started work on this piece of bead embroidery.

I actually got the idea for this one a couple of weeks ago while I was watching Erik the Viking. (An old Terry Gilliam flick with Tim Robbins and John Cleese!) One of the female characters was wearing an absolutely divine metalwork necklace, and I wanted to try to recreate the lines, shapes, and textures using bead embroidery.

So, hopefully after a good night of sleep, I'll feel better tomorrow, and then I can get back to work.


AntiquityTravelers said...

oh man! that is horrible! Make sure you get it checked out ... as I found out that even a mild case of salmonella had me so sick and dehydrated that the doc had me on super strong antibiotics.

Feel better! and I can't believe you can bead something so amazing feeling like you do!

Terri said...

I hope you're feeling better quickly!

Your beading is awesome! And this while you're sick? Can't wait to see what you do when you're well! :-)